Power Of LSD
The Stablecoin Backed by LST
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How Gliese Works
STEP 1 - Deposit
Deposit stEvmos as collateral.
STEP 2 - Mint gUSD
Mint/Borrow gUSD against your collateral.
STEP 3 - Hold or Spend
Hold gUSD to use it in other Defi protocols.
Why do you need gUSD?
Gliese DAO
Gliese DAO serves as the backbone of Gliese Finance's decision-making process.
The Gliese DAO will be governed by GLSE token holders who will have the power to influence the direction of the project, propose and vote on various decisions, and collectively manage the protocol. This community-driven approach helps ensure that the Gliese Finance project remains true to its decentralized nature and that its development is in line with the interests of its users.
Mint gUSD and earn GLSE token
Stake GLSE and share protocol revenue
Hold gUSD and receive yield
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How is gUSD 1:1 hard pegged to 1 USD?
2. How can I mint (borrow) with Gliese?
3. Where does the interest on gUSD come from?
4. Does Gliese charge any fees?
5. How can I earn money using Gliese?
6. It seems the gUSD yield is lower than stEvmos. Why would I put my stEvmos on to Gliese, instead of other LSD protocols?